Thursday, September 27, 2007

Having Fun Pictures to follow!

We are having fun. Today we went to the Elm's family luncheon. It started at 1:30 and I think we left around 5:30 It was some kind of lunch....Elm's style. LOL Mom you'll be glad to know that Dad kept his seat all the way to the end!! LOL I have pictures from today and some from the beach I will try to post them tomorrow! We miss all of those who didn't come this year. Love you all!!!


Linda Elms said...

Mandy, I'm so glad to hear from you. I've been watching to see if you had written. Dad told me he had a little "Papa time" with the girls and enjoyed it so much. I missed being at the "Elms Family Dinner" this year. It is always a FUN time! I miss ya'll and will be happy to see you when you get home. Give the girls and Andrew a hug and kiss for me. LOVE YOU!

Michelle said...

Glad ya'll are having fun in the Florida sun!

Anonymous said...

Okay ... you posted three days ago. Now where are the pics? You act as though you are 'busy' on vacation having fun or something?!?!

Hope all of you are having fun and some relaxation!

Love to all .... =P