Saturday, September 8, 2007

Happy Grandparent's Day! by Alayna & Ashlyn

Papa and Mimi
Poppy and Grammy

We want to say Happy Grandparent's Day to the most Wonderful Grandparents in the world! We love Poppy because he ALWAYS has time to play with us! We love Grammy because she loves play-doh as much as all of us kids do. She also shares my love for the story of Beauty and the Beast! We love our Papa because he is so silly he always calls me Alayna Boy Elms. We love Mimi because she's very nice and we like her music at church! We have the best Grandparents in the whole wide world! We love them very very very very very much and wish them many more years to live and love!
P.S. Our Dad and Mom think they're pretty cool too!


Linda Elms said...

AHHHH....THANK YOU, Alayna, and Ashlyn! You are both SO SPECIAL to Papa and me. You're beautiful and so SWEET! We love you so much "we can't stand it"!

Anonymous said...

Alayna and Ashlyn, the two most beautiful girls in the world. . . and the sweetest. Poppy and I are tickled pink to be your grandparents. And you got a pretty cool mom and dad, too.


Anonymous said...

A very nice contribution, Alayna and Ashlyn. Those people do seem to be quite nice. =)

Much love to both of you!