Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sisters are a wonderful thing!!!

For those of you who aren't aware of the fact already, I don't have any natural born sisters. God has blessed with 3 wonderful sister-n-laws, but I never got to experience those girlie girl things that sisters do. When Brenda and I were first getting acquainted it took me little while to get in the swing of being a "sister". She unlike me grew up with 2 other girls one of which is a twin to her. I hear the twin things just makes the connection between sisters even stronger. So I had to get used to showing all my new clothes and "stuff" each time we would get together, i must say it didn't take me long to adjust. I guess that sister thing is in there just need the coaxing to bring it out.
Anyway the reason for my post is, this morning my two little girls amazed me this morning. Alayna likes to go and get dressed and pick out her own clothes from time to time and today was one of those days, only she didn't just take care of herself this time.....She dressed Ashlyn and fixed both of their hair. You should have seen the water bottle in action. Not only did she fix their hair she also combed eyebrows and misted their faces with water. Talk about the royal treatment.
I think thing that really spotlighted that sisterly bond today was the fact that Ashlyn was all about everything Alayna was doing to her. She would stand so patiently and let Alayna comb and spray the water as much as she liked. Ashlyn's new thing with me fixing her hair has been to say "Hurt me" as I comb and brush it. I didn't hear those words one time this morning.
I quickly snapped some pictures of the proud little duo for all of you to enjoy! I am blessed by God to have this little joys as a part of my life everyday. I also feel grateful to be experiencing the best of both worlds...I had two wonderful brothers and thoroughly enjoyed that relationship and now I am watching a beautiful sister relationship unfold in my very own home!

A Brief Hello...

I am just sitting here for a few minutes thinking of the things I have read on other blogs tonight and reflecting on my own adventures of late, and the things to come in the next few days. As for the past, the newly appointed teachers here at Greater Apostolic have been hard at work making our vision a reality. We had a goal of beginning Sunday School on the first Sunday of the year and guess what....It's going to happen. The room are looking so wonderful! We are excited about everything they have planned and seeing it all come to pass. I can't wait to see the faces of the children who have never experienced Sunday School. I plan to have my camera ever ready for Sunday. The future hold a watch night service for us. I am looking forward to this as well. We plan to start our service at 10:30pm and go until after midnight at least. Then those who are feeling young will stay after for some volleyball and basketball in the gym. Sis. Misty has been taking some pictures since we have moved here and is preparing a year end slide show for this special service as well. So our future is bright, and I can't wait to live in it. God has been so good to us in more ways than you can imagine. The people here tell us often how privileged they feel that we are here, but what they don't know is how we feel the very same way. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I think of how God picked us to be with these precious people. I often pray that I never lose the joy of the calling! I love all of you and I pray that you are getting ready for the greatest year ever!!!!

I have had a few post without pictures, and since I love to see other peoples pictures I decided to post a few new ones for all of you!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008


I have a special gift to give tomorrow! I have created a blog for my mother. The first reason is because she has many wonderful thoughts and happenings to share. The second is that her sister and I would really enjoy seeing some pictures of people, places and things in a far distant land! Please visit her blog and help me welcome her with all your wonderful comments. Her blog address is: An Orange Slice of Life.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yet Again

Well the title says it all! Yet again I find myself behind. Life is moving entirely too fast with no signs of slowing anytime soon. How I long for the days when I was a child filled with boredom begging my mom for something to do. You know you once said it too, "I don't have anything to do". Now there are days that I choose to allow myself to "do nothing" but even on those days I feel the constant nagging of all the "THINGS" I should be doing!
So in keeping with the theme of the post I will just lay it all out here quick and to the point as best I can so I can "check" another thing from my To Do list!

We had a wonderful Ladies Christmas Party! It was quaint, fun, elegant, and yet simple. I hope that all of the ladies enjoyed it as much as I did. We decided to have it in the foyer of our church because it was the perfect size, not too big not too small, (well it was a little cozy) it was perfect! I was absolutely thrilled with the participation from our ladies, we had 31 to attend. I am sharing a few pictures from our evening. I don't think there were many if any at all but to those who couldn't make it they really missed out on a great time!

Last Sunday night we had our first Christmas for Christ service! It was beautiful! This service happens to be one of my favorites during this time of year and it was even more special to share it with people who had never been a part of this before! It it amazing and wonderful to see the sparkle in the eyes of those enjoying something for the first time that perhaps has just become a "thing" we do to some of us. It is a blessing to see the wonder of it all alive and well in these beautiful people of God!!!
I must insert an old but quite funny story. A year or two ago when we had our annual C.F.C. service, I had been telling Alayna about how we were going to give a gift to Jesus at church this year. She helped me wrap it and get everything ready for the special service. The Sunday morning before the service as she blessed her breakfast this is what she said, "Jesus, I got you a present, but I can't tell you what it is. Amen! I love the realness that you get when you have children! Now for the big news, (DRUM ROLL) Our church proudly gave over $1800.00 to C.F.C. this year. We are sooooo excited about what God is doing not just in us, but THROUGH us!I think I know what's wrong with the sound system!!!!Section 7 Youth Christmas Banquet! This too was a first for all of us! What a wonderful time we had! Everyone really went all out and looked both handsome and beautiful! We enjoyed the van ride over and all the wonderful food, fun, and fellowship!!!

Family Time!!! We took a little while out to go and visit Santa's Village! It was a really neat time! They have all different little buildings set up with different characters and activities to accompany each! The girls loved it and mom and dad had a nice time ourselves! I love taking time out and doing fun things with the people I love the most!!!!
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh my!!! Where else but the Dallas Zoo on our first field trip with school! We had such a great time, and I think the kids enjoyed it too. We were able to take Ashlyn along and just relax, follow along and enjoy the day. As you will see in the pictures many of the animals were quite curious about the kids. They came right up to the glass and watched the children for quite some time! Thanks for a wonderful Day!!!

As most of you know my husband is a very serious man (well he is on occasion). Well he may not be serious all the time but one thing he is serious about is the safety and well being of our two little girls. So the other day while out shopping he took opportunity to instruct the girls in a little self defence! What a man, amidst the hustle and bustle of the season he took time to teach our girls! I was nearly in tears as I sifted through the toys on isle 3 of Big Lots, and dodged the young swordsmen or women however you would say that. Okay being serious now it was quite funny seeing a 6'5" man in a foam sword fight with two little girls. They raced through the isles and "cut" people off here and there having a blast with their Daddy. No handsome prince will ever see more love or admiration in a lady's eye than was present that day! Thank you babe for being you!!!!! Our Knight in Shining Armour!!!! I hope you made it to this point because the next few pictures are priceless! Get out and enjoy life with the people you love!!! Merry Christmas!!! Oh I almost forgot I must point out the fact that the giant man is also standing on a step ladder!!!-LOL-Get Him Girls!!!!!