Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Wiggles...

Let me explain... I still get the wiggles inside when I have a special date with my husband. Tonight as we walked into the Restaurant there was a nip in the air and my teeth chattered a bit, he looked at me and asked if I was cold. I did feel a little chill but it was the little nervous wiggle on the inside that caused the chatter. He got tickled at me being nervous and excited but it did put an extra twinkle in his eye. I love this man that God has blessed me with. I plan to spend many many more Valentines Days with him and I still hope I get the wiggles and He never loses that twinkle.

I hope you all have a wonderful day with the people you love. Happy Valentines Day to all and to all a Good Night.


Tracie Smith said...

After all these years I completely understand! Mandy, the 'wiggles' never have to stop. Isn't it great that we still can be 'sweet 16' with the man we love? Give the girls a valentine's hug for me.

Unknown said...

Mandy, this was the sweetest! My dat is this afternoon, and it comes complete with 'wiggles and twinkles'!!
Isn't it wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed last night!!Thanks for all that ya'll are doing!!!!

Love Eugene & Joy

Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed last night!!Thanks for all that ya'll are doing!!!!

Love Eugene & Joy

Linda Elms said...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Give each other a hug for me! We're so homesick to see you all! Don't know when it will be. I'm glad you had a great "date" with that AWESOME MAN! :). Love you so much!

Ashley said...

Happy Valentines Day!

kathy said...

You are just too funny and sooo sweet. I hope that date was a great one with the handsome man in your life. Enjoy your years together to the utmost. Don't ever let the 'wiggles' die!=)
Love you ... Aunt Kathy

Jeanetta Orange said...

love hard, love long, love sincerely with your whole heart. God has blessed you with an incredible husband. How blessed we are to know our daughter is so well taken care of. You know, I can't remember the wiggles but I still get the butterflies every time your dad and I have been apart for even the shortest period of time. When I see him coming in the back door from a hospital call or a trip on the road, my heart leaps within me.
love you, sweetie

janet anglin said...

Isn't that sweet!! I didn't get the wiggles from Harden, but I did get the giggles. He wanted to know if he could borrow some of MY money that I've saved up to put in MY Valentine card. What a man!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't know about all this wiggles & twiggles but will you tell my amigo Andrew I said Hola!

Glad to see it all working out for you guys! Hope to see ya guys soon!
Maybe they should join the two districts again?? lol

Keep it real!

-Tony Ybarra III-