Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April Fool's Fun

We woke up Sunday morning and started to get ready for Sunday School as usual. I always turn on the radio and in doing so I found out that it was April Fool's Day. I immediately began to think of who we could "get". We decided to call the Elms and Let them know that we were all terribly sick and would not be able to make it to service this morning. This was good but what made the deal a little sweeter was the fact that Andrew was supposed to teach the Keenagers class this morning for the first time. He told Bro Elms and then hung up and came to room to tell me how it had gone...they bought it hook line and sinker. We laughed for a minute and then I said you better call back now because Dad will be getting someone else for that class pretty quick. When he called back he had the speaker on and Mom answered. She began to ask questions full of love and concern. Andrew shot back with answers so quickly I was nearly hysterical. He asked to speak to Dad and when He got on the phone we both shouted APRIL FOOL'S. He was got! I think his exact words were "What...you turkeys". He said he had just reached for the phone to call someone to take care of Sunday School. That was close. I called my Mom to try and get her and she didn't fall for it because she herself was trying to figure out something to do to my dad. I told her about the illness that had recently hit our family and it became contagious. She called my dad and told him of her sickness and hung up. He was on the other line with a preacher friend of his and they were just beginning to pray for mom when she called him back and made him aware of the date. We had so much fun!!! Alayna had heard all our talk and laughter surrounding the phone calls as I was getting her hair ready for church. Later that morning in morning worship we were singing the chorus "My God is Really Really Good". Alayna asked me to bend down I did and she said "Mom why are they saying God is April?" Needless to say we had a humorous April Fool's Day, we hope you did as well.


Karla said...

LOL!!! Quick thinking!

Gene Holley said...

LOL! Sounds like you had a great time - but of course, it's Mandy!! You will have fun no matter.

Michelle said...

What a funny trick yall pulled! Alayna looks so cute in her clown gear!

Linda Elms said...

This is about a week late, but ya'll really did get Dad! (and me) LOL! It was hilarious! Then Alayna saying that about "God is April" (God is ABLE!) LOL! that's just too cute.

andrew said...

thats cool.alyna looks funny. thats cute.

Anonymous said...

Good job on the April Fool's pranks! lol

I just luuuv that little clown! You are sooo adorable. I think the bestest one I ever saw! haha I love you Alayna.

Love to all of you .... Aunt Kathy