Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Financial Peace

We are going the course Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey! By the way we are really enjoying it. Well this is just the lead in to my story. Alayna and I were at the store last night before our class, I was just picking up some baby food and a couple of other things. As we made our way down one of the aisles she looked at me and said "I thought ya'll were saving money not spending it." I was taken aback I explained to her these were things we had to have and we still had to spend some money to live. Once we got to the register she looked and the cashier and said "Can you tell we're saving money?" I quickly got her out the door! Oh well we had a good laugh and a little reminder!!! Hope your day is going great and you save some money today!!!


Christina said...

I know you already told me about this but I still laughed again reading this. It is amazing how much they watch and listen. Haiden is sorda doing the same stuff but his is more like, "I know we can't go here or buy this cause ya'll are saving money." Then he hears the shows as I listen to them and then turns around and tells Austin stuff like well Dave Ramsey says so on and so on. Last week on one show Dave was hacking on the Lottery and talking about how people say it is for entertainment and he said that is stupid just roll down your window and throw some hundred dollar bills out the window and you'll see entertainment, basically cause your throwing your money away. So when he was with the Tripletts this past weekend he told them they should try throwing some money out the window and see what happens, LOL!

Karla said...

LOL! She is just too much!

I love the Isom stories too!

Mandy said...

That's funny Christina it is really amazing how much they pick up by listening to every word we say!

Michelle said...

Alayna, you are already on your way to financial peace!

Linda Elms said...

I think Alayna is going to be a "multi-millionaire"!!!! LOL!! I love this story and also love hearng about "others" (Haiden) saying cute, funny, and TRUE things! We ALL better watch it!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I love your blog, Amanda! If I can't be around to hear some of the things for myself, at least you can relay them to me this way.

I enjoyed the laugh and the other comments/stories as well.

Love to you, Andrew, and the girls.

Karen Prince said...

Little Ears hear SO much!
Cute story!

Anonymous said...

that's my granddaughter!! Isn't she brillant? and soooo observant. You gotta love it!!


Anonymous said...

Awww!!! Living with a four year old's really something!!! Half of what Shaughnessy says shocks the socks off us!!! Alayna's a regular Shirley Temple!!! But cuter!!! It doesn't really matter what she says, it's still too cute!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww!!! Living with a four year old's really something!!! Half of what Shaughnessy says shocks the socks off us!!! Alayna's a regular Shirley Temple!!! But cuter!!! It doesn't really matter what she says, it's still too cute!!!
