Thursday, August 16, 2007

Huge Accomplishments

Alayna had learned in Sunday School how to say the Ten Commandments! She has wonderful teachers who have totally taught her these wonderful laws of God. We havn't worked on these at home at all so the credit goes to dedicated teachers who love these children! Thank you all for all you do and the time you take to put the Word of God in the hearts of our kids!!!

Ashlyn has just learned to clap her hands! We are so proud of her and I guess she was proud of Alayna for saying those Ten Commandments and decided she better learn how to clap real quick to give her sister a hand! I didn't know she had done this at Mom and Dad Elms' house while we were out of town, so when Sis Holley clapped in church and Ashlyn copied her I was really shocked! Way to Go Ashlyn!


Michelle said...

Great job Alayna! Ashlyn looks so adorable clapping those hands.

Karla said...

Ahh! Alayna looks SO grown up!! Great job, Alayna!! I'm very proud of you.

Ashlyn is a little doll! I see she still has her "thighs". LOL!

Kim said...

Great Job, you can tell you didn't coach her a bit:)

Gene Holley said...

This is great! Keep preaching and clapping!

Linda Elms said...

Good job, Alayna! I was so proud of you when you got $5 from Bro. John in Sunday School for saying the Ten Commandments! Love you, bunches, and bunches!

Ashlyn, you're Mimi's little sweetheart! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Alayna, that was totally awesome!! Grammy and Poppy are very proud of you. Thank God for S.S. teachers but also Mommy and Daddy that DOES teach those memory verses at home.

Ashlyn Kate, slow down little girl. You're growing up way too fast. I love you and your big sissy very much.

What beautiful granddaughters we have!!

Anonymous said...

That's great Alayna ... And seems Ashlyn thought so as well. Both of you are precious.

I just love seeing pics, clips, slideshows, etc of my great neices! Thank you!

Much love ... XOXOXO ... Aunt Kathy