Friday, September 21, 2007

Laughter Doeth Good Like A Medicine!

Did you hear about the blonde who got a camera for her birthday?
-She just picked up her first roll of developed film-twenty-four pictures of her right eye.

Here's one for all you dieters.
What did Hamlet say at the weight watchers meeting?
-Tubby or not Tubby?

Did you hear about the man who ate yeast and shoe polish every night before he went to bed?
-Every morning he would Rise and Shine!!!

How do you make anti-freeze?
-Take away her jacket.

What do you call a hippie's wife?

I hope you made it all the way to this point in my post because that means you read all my jokes. I thought they were funny and I hope you can tell one at least and make someone else laugh!!!


Michelle said...

These are funny!

Christina said...

Well I read them all and I'm glad you shared! You have a way of bringing laughter to life don't you? Chris was reading jokes last night and Ryan kept telling him,"thats not funny dad." Ryan saying that is what really brought the laughter on.

Mandy said...

Glad ya'll enjoyed!

Karla said...

LOL! You're crazy! I love your jokes!

Linda Elms said...

LOL! You are so crazy! I think I've told you that before, but I had to say it again. I love your jokes, too!

Roxana said...

You're a mess! Love it!!! I especially enjoy blond jokes :}

Willard said...

wow.... you told me those at church the other night, and i still laughed agian when i saw them!

Anonymous said...

Not sure why I missed these the other day??? hmmm
You are just too funny ... I love you and your jokes.